

Solutions for efficient sheet metal forming

AP&T is investing major resources to develop technology that will help our customers meet the demands of tomorrow for safety and climate impact – at a competitive total cost of ownership. For example, our production solutions for press hardening have created entirely new conditions for car manufacturers in terms of improving crashworthiness and reducing vehicle weight, which both saves fuel and reduces carbon dioxide emissions. Our cost-efficient manufacturing methods for fuel cell plates help facilitate the establishment of new and environmentally friendly technology. And not least, we have a strong and clear future focus on solutions for lightweight materials such as aluminum and carbon fiber.

Corporate Profile

Company Name AP&T K.K.
Location Zip code 222-0033
Shinyokohama Yokohama Shi Kohoku Ku Kanagawa Ken
Establishment 1964
Business Description AP&T provides sheet metal industries worldwide with complete production systems as well as with stand-alone presses, automation, tooling and related aftermarket services.
Being the technology leader in selected niches, AP&T focuses on production systems for weight reduction, safety and energy efficiency in the final product.
FAX Number 045-594-7920
WEB site http://www.aptgroup.com/
Business Category Other manufacturing industries

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